The Pumpkin Patch

How adorable are pumpkin patches?!  If you had asked me to come to a pumpkin patch before I had a kid, I would’ve said, “What the heck is a pumpkin patch?”  Now, I can’t imagine fall without it.  Oh, how kids change your life.

We began the pumpkin patch experience by viewing baby farm animals.  I mean, seriously?!  Cuteness overload.


Then, we spent some time climbing, sliding, and swinging on the playground.  Good times were had until Keagan slid right onto her backside.  Tears were shed.  The slide was abandoned.


Then, we discovered a giant drain pipe and a way to become farm animals ourselves and all was right with the world.


Of course, we couldn’t resist trying to get a cute picture of the cousins.  This was literally the best we could do.  It reminds me of American Gothic minus the pitch fork.


Don’t worry.  We did not go to the pumpkin patch without getting an actual pumpkin.  The kiddos found us a couple of good ones.


Plano Balloon Festival (with a Half-Marathon Thrown In)

I think I’ve mentioned before that my sister lives in Plano, Texas.  This weekend was their annual Hot Air Balloon Festival and since all of the men in our family have become ridiculous long distance runners, they all signed up to run in the race that accompanied the festival.

The actual event lasted the entire weekend, but we only showed our face on Saturday night and Sunday morning for the race.  We wanted to see the balloons light up on Saturday night, so we kept the children up past their bedtimes.  It was well worth it.  Hot air balloons are amazing things anyway, but to see them all on the ground and lit up is truly spectacular.  The only thing that could ruin it would be a band doing some of the worst cover songs I’ve ever heard.  Nothing worse than watching majestic hot air balloons light up the night with the Black Eyed Peas “I Gotta Feeling” playing in the background.  It really sets the mood.


Sunday morning we rose bright and early to head out to the race.  Luckily, we arrived just in time to watch the balloons coming in for their landing.  It was so awesome!  And no terrible cover songs in the background this time!  Woohoo!


While we waited for the guys to finish the race, we gorged ourselves on funnel cake.  They’re burning 5,000 calories, we’re eating them.  Makes total sense.


The guys did so well in the race.  Both Michael and David came in around 1 hour 45 and my dad at 2 hours.  Not bad at all.  Michael said he wanted to finish faster than he did at the last one and he accomplished that goal, so he was pretty proud of himself.  My dad said he just wanted to cross the finish line without the assistance of a wheelchair.  Goal set and made!  Nice job, guys.  My hat is off to you.  I could never have done it in a million years.  It makes me proud to know the men in my life are such disciplined, hard-working people who set goals and then do whatever it takes to meet those goals.  They are excellent role models for our children and for ourselves.


Of course, this means that I can no longer complain about ANYTHING being too hard for the rest of my life without Michael mentioning training and running in a half-marathon.  Good grief.


A Baby Shower

This weekend I helped throw a baby shower for my very best friend in the world.  We lived together for 6 years which is longer than my husband and I have been married.  We have been through A LOT together.  Lots of good talks, late nights (a few we’d like to forget), long trips, dance parties, tears, hangovers, prayers, bad haircuts, spiritual encounters, terrible eating habits, bad boyfriends, fashion mistakes, marriage, babies, the list goes on forever.  You name it, we’ve probably been through it.  I cannot explain what an incredible blessing it is to have someone in your life with whom you’ve been through the worst and the best moments with.  I was so honored to get to help shower her with gifts as we share yet another life experience.

The shower took place in my backyard.  It was pretty hot out, but everyone survived.  I’d like to think the adorable decor took everyone’s mind off of the heat.

We included a board where guests could write notes of encouragement for the mother-to-be.  Having a baby for the first time can be an anxiety-filled experience, so reading notes from people who are praying for you and maybe have even been through it is so encouraging those last few weeks of pregnancy.  (Or even the first few weeks after the baby is born.)


The sex of the baby is a surprise, so we had a board for guessing.  I think at the end of the shower, girl was the winner.  We’ll see!!


The yarn wall was my favorite!  I would like to take credit for this piece of creative genius, but I have to thank pinterest for this awesome idea.


How cute is this cake?!  Our friend from Cakes by Catie made it.  If you’re near the Conway area and need a cake, please call this girl.  She is incredibly talented!


I never ever could have done this alone.  I am neither creative or crafty enough.  Thank goodness for fantastic friends who are.

We had a really great turnout for the shower, so the new mom went home with a car full of gifts!  Exactly what you want for a baby shower.  Plus, everyone had a good time.  Whoop whoop!



What gorgeous, talented friends I have.  It was so much fun to come together and bless our friend with gifts to help make the transition into motherhood just a little easier.  So thankful for them.
